#1 -- What type of merchandise is sold at auctions ?
Almost every product that is for sale in the United States will at one time or another be available at Auctions.
This is a partial list of the most common items: Automobiles, Trucks, Vans, Busses, Jeep Cherokee, Motorcycles, (Most Vehicles are in excellent condition, with low mileage at G.S.A. Government Auctions.), Boats, Ships, Airplanes, Cameras, Office equipment, Computer equipment, Building Materials, Electronic Equipment, Farm Equipment, Homes, Commercial Real Estate, Bicycles, Stereos, Power Tools, Forklifts, Audio/Visual Equipment, and much much more.
#2 -- Why does the government sell goods at auctions ?
All Government Agencies rotate their inventory on a regular basis. Government Agencies are mandated by law to put their surplus up for public Auction.
#3 -- Where Does All This Merchandise Come From ?
Most merchandise that ends up at Government Auctions is surplus. Goods that are over stocked, no longer needed, or updated. Real estate, Commercial property, and Homes are sold as surplus. When the government no longer has a use for them, or the property was seized, or went in to foreclosure from a loan default.
#4 -- How good are the Prices ?
The prices are varied from Auction to Auction. To get the best deals on Vehicles, Airplanes, and Boats, the G.S.A. Government Auctions and U.S. Customs Auctions are the best to attend. To pick up TV's and Household goods, a local Police Auction is your best bet .
#5 -- Who can attend these Auctions ?
Anyone can attend! These auctions are open to the Public. You may attend the auctions regardless what country you're from. You do not need to be a U.S. or Canadian Citizen to attend U.S. and Canadian Government Auctions.
#6 -- What must I do to bid at an Auction ?
Almost all Auctions have some type of registration. You will have to show some form of identification. When you are registered, you will be given a bidding number. This Number must be shown to the auctioneer when you make a bid. The auctioneer will accept bids only from registered bidders.
#7 -- Is Auction merchandise sold " as is" ?
In almost every case Auctions sell "as is".
#8 -- Can I inspect the merchandise before I bid ?
All Auctions have an inspection period. It can range from a few hours before the Auction to a day or two.
#9 -- If I buy something, when can I take it home ?
All items must be paid for in full, before they can be removed from the Auction Site. In the case of Motor Vehicles "Title", they will be transferred to you when they are paid for in full.
#10 -- What forms of payment can I make ?
Cash is always accepted! Cashier's Checks & Post Office Money Orders, are the preferred forms of payment. Some Auctions, if run by a private company will take Visa, and MasterCard. Always check with the Auction to be safe.